**Mis amigos de habla hispana (Por ejemplo alexboca10Marianoh02). Si no respeta las reglas del sitio, sus transferencias serán denegadas a partir de ahora. Traduzca el mensaje en inglés para comprender cómo funcionan los préstamos. Gracias..**


1. All WINTER transfers (joining clubs on the 1st of January 2025) should be submitted as immediate (starting from the start of the game, NO future transfers).
2. Duration on loaned players should be -1 year. Example: if a loan ends on June 2025 (in real life), the loan should be submitted until June 2024 (on site). If a loan ends on December 2025 (in real life), the loan should be submitted until December 2024 (on site). Loans MUST be more than 3 months duration.
. If a transfer/staff change IS NOT accepted more than 2 times, that means something. So please, avoid spamming in this crucial period. Time is important.


Football Manager Transfer Update

About FM Transfer Update

The collaborative online editor of football transfers for Football Manager.

As you know, there is no official data update by Sports Interactive for the summer transfer window; that always comes with the new game release in November. But can you wait that long to manage your favourite club with the latest signings? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

After months of planning and preparation, we launched the dedicated FMTU website in late November 2017 in beta stage. As of June 2018, we implemented certain key feature additions and we are proud to welcome everyone in the Football Manager community to embrace this project.

I know what you’re thinking now; why use this transfer update over other unofficial data updates out there? Well, there are a few good reasons as a matter of fact:

Most Advanced Online Editor

Built from the ground up, our dedicated online platform is already superior than anything else you’ve seen around the scene. And we’re just getting started.

User Friendly Transfer Wizard

We designed transfer wizard for your convenience. No more looking at tedious and confusing submission forms. Smart, easy, efficient, elegant.

Most Detailed Data Edits Possible

In-depth information for players and staff, essential for what we believe makes a transfer update as comprehensive as it can be. Striving for unrivaled detail.

Community Driven, Collaborative Effort

Multiple contributors work on the data directly, removing the need to request changes from a single author. That also ensures more accurate data.

Led & Supervised by pr0 & his team

A quality data update takes time and requires devotion. Pr0 has consistently delivered the best data packs since 2012, and that guarantees FMTU's success.

Endorsed by the mighty FM Scout

The leading FM fansite community backing FMTU means that the popularity of this project will go from strength to strength. Check out "Thanks" for more.

Lightning fast data engine

Finding players and staff never felt faster. Whether you are searching people by name or filtering by club, everything loads in a blink of an eye.

Projected squads and transfer history

Club profiles reflect current squads for the current season after all completed transfers. And on the transfer history tab, you get a clear overview of who joined and who left.

Multiple Languages Available

Our contributors have translated FMTU into 8 non-English languages so far. And more translations are currently being prepared. We want you to feel at home.

Top Transfers Watch

Hundreds of players move between teams every day while the transfer window remains open. We highlight transfers that involve high profile players for your convenience.

Real Numbers, No Hoax

We pride ourselves on showcasing real numbers for our transfer update. All of our data edits are 100% clean and accurate. No empty, no duplicate, no unnecessary changes.