**Mis amigos de habla hispana (Por ejemplo alexboca10Marianoh02). Si no respeta las reglas del sitio, sus transferencias serán denegadas a partir de ahora. Traduzca el mensaje en inglés para comprender cómo funcionan los préstamos. Gracias..**


1. All WINTER transfers (joining clubs on the 1st of January 2025) should be submitted as immediate (starting from the start of the game, NO future transfers).
2. Duration on loaned players should be -1 year. Example: if a loan ends on June 2025 (in real life), the loan should be submitted until June 2024 (on site). If a loan ends on December 2025 (in real life), the loan should be submitted until December 2024 (on site). Loans MUST be more than 3 months duration.
. If a transfer/staff change IS NOT accepted more than 2 times, that means something. So please, avoid spamming in this crucial period. Time is important.


Football Manager Transfer Update

FMTU Special Thanks

Shout out to our friends who kindly support the FMTU project one way or another.

We firmly believe in this project. Serious effort has been put into all of its aspect, from planning to development and from publishing to promotion. To be honest though, we haven't really touched the latter until June 2018.

On this page we're highlighting content created by people who are helping us with data collection, with graphical addons that spice up this website, and others who spread the love about FMTU. Your support is much appreciated!

Data Experts




Brazilian Portuguese Rafael Montagner
French FM Guru
Italian ALAN10
Norwegian Mathias Svenson
Russian Dvoegor
Spanish Alberto Millán
Turkish Ramoscu