**Mis amigos de habla hispana (Por ejemplo alexboca10, Marianoh02). Si no respeta las reglas del sitio, sus transferencias serán denegadas a partir de ahora. Traduzca el mensaje en inglés para comprender cómo funcionan los préstamos. Gracias..**
1. All WINTER transfers (joining clubs on the 1st of January 2025) should be submitted as immediate (starting from the start of the game, NO future transfers).
2. Duration on loaned players should be -1 year. Example: if a loan ends on June 2025 (in real life), the loan should be submitted until June 2024 (on site). If a loan ends on December 2025 (in real life), the loan should be submitted until December 2024 (on site). Loans MUST be more than 3 months duration.
3. If a transfer/staff change IS NOT accepted more than 2 times, that means something. So please, avoid spamming in this crucial period. Time is important.
Rules to stick to to ensure better community collaboration.
All transfers submitted need to be 100% accurate. We'd prefer it even more if the transfer has been announced by the clubs!
It's very important that your sources come from reliable websites which tend NOT to post just rumours, but actual facts.
If for any reason a transfer is cancelled, you need to act as quick as possible and again update the player with the correct details.
Mistakes can happen. Continuous mistaken transfers though will result in penalties! More than 3 mistakes per day will cause you to be suspended for a day. If that continues, the penalty will be bigger.
To become an admin you first have to prove that you can be trusted. Updating the database frequently with correct and reliable information, will lead you to eventually become one. You will be approached by pr0 if it is felt you would make a good transfer admin.
Communication is key between all admins to ensure success and accuracy of the transfer update; as such, all admins need to be able to speak fluent English.